An Update On Development.
Its slow.
While it may seem like a lot is going on it is going slowly and behind schedule. We now are having phones for sale (NO plan) and are getting cool testing phones from the big bois. We are testing our curent network of 1 small basestation that is on public spectrum. This means that its highly unstable but is good to go in terms of testing. A few sneak peaks will be coming shortly (as in in this post). Our current network is based on LTE with no esim, i am working on getting esim working and ready to go but its going slow due to regulations. Along with this a order of sim cards placed via taobao was canceled and im currently looking for a new source. If anyone has info on how to source pysical sims and how to create esims feel free to let me know as it will be greatly aprecheated. Along with this the current stage of the network is basic speeds over lte no sms/numbers. Those will be setup “Soon™” and will hopefully be out by august 2024! We have also obatined a prototype iphone that has even more funny stuff that we can mess with in terms of tweaking our netowrk to iphones. If apple wants it back feel free to contact us directly via the contact page. We hope that this has helped you out. Feel free to help jumpstart us and invest into Winnicom!
Thanks for all of the support, Amanj Vakili
CEO, Winnicom