A Massive Update To Winnicom As A Whole

Hey Everyone, Amanj here!


I would like to make a quick post to keep you all informed on the current status of backend development. We have obtained some cool phones and are having phones ready to sell. Along with this the initial planing on plan prices has started!

So, we will take right aways x3 the monthly payment, while this is not ideal for our planned starting location it will make us stand out and in the end lead to higher profits and worker moral!

We will be giving 1 month worth of the plans cost to the employee who is selling the plan along with ~25% of the device sale price for used devices and a certain undetermined amount for new devices.

We also plan on reserving 1 month worth for the base costs, Sim Cards (As a side note our previous source choice had problems with our order size so we are looking for a new source)  We are setting aside around $10/plan for this with a max number of 5 free sim replacements per phone number/plan. Along with this this part of the money will also if we are selling over 300 of our expected base $10 plans will pay for our location and tower sharing costs. We will work out wages later and commission may be used to help pay .(Not what we want as we support our workers fairly and believe that they deserve a living wage)


We have also begun working on our first POS systems, we are currently deciding if we want our own pos software or to outsource it to others. Along with this we plan on using barcode scanners to initory phones. Curently we are unsure of how to auto program sim cards with just the scan from a scanner, this is due to proprietary software they are using that we dont have the money to develop. We plan on using proper sim programs to set the phone number ect.


We are also looking into porting numbers from others like chatr ( https://www.chatrwireless.com/ ) Fido ( https://www.fido.ca/ ) and Rogers ( https://www.rogers.com/ )


As well as this I am working on getting contacts at Motorola, Samsung, TCL, ZTE, and Apple. It is a hard process especially in Canada.


As one last note before some big news we are currently looking for people who can have good prices on tower sharing.


Finally for what people have been waiting for, Contact Information!


Just kidding, but we have a phone number now.


You can contact ME directly at

*checks phone number*


And for E-Mail



And now, For a quick blooper. LOOK AT THAT CARRIER AND THE SETTINGS TAB!!!!!!!!!!



And One More Thing,


psst, join our discord ( https://discord.gg/Zme7UYcT ) You have 7 days before this link will expire!

Yea but uh, we are moving up their quite quickly, our location isn’t even sorted out and like we are almost at the point of opening!




Amanj Vakili

CEO, Winnicom



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